This was going to be a comment on rob gonda's blog about compressing the ajax javascript includes that ColdFusion 8 uses, but it became to long so im posting it here:
There is CF only solution to this that works on IIS and probably apache.
Heres the setup:
1. make a folder under your webroot /CFIDE/Scripts/
2. put 1 file in this folder index.cfm
3. set the default document on this folder to be index.cfm
4. set the 404 for this folder to redirect to /cfide/scripts/index.cfm
5. The code of index.cfm uses the CGI.query_string, since web server passes the attempted URL to the 404 page as a parameter, to work out the URL or the JS file under CFIDE thats required. eg.
[cfset fileName = mid(cgi.QUERY_STRING,find("/CFIDE",cgi.QUERY_STRING), len(cgi.QUERY_STRING) - find("/CFIDE",cgi.QUERY_STRING)+1 )]
6. then include the content
[cfsavecontent variable="rawJS"]
[cfoutput][cfinclude template="#fileName#"][/cfoutput]
This relies on the fact that CFINCLUDE uses CF Mappings. So even tho IIS has /CFIDE/scripts/ mapped somewhere else, the CFMapping takes over on the include to get you the JS file you need.
7. GZIP the result and output if the browser supports it.
[cfif cgi.HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING contains "gzip" AND not showRaw]
[cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip" ]
[cfset bos = createObject("java","") ]
[cfset bos.init()]
[cfset gzipStream = createObject("java","")]
[cfset gzipStream.init(bos) ]
[cfset gzipStream.write(rawJS.getBytes("utf-8")) ]
[cfset gzipStream.close()]
[cfset bos.flush()]
[cfset bos.close()]
[cfset encoder = createObject("java","sun.misc.BASE64Encoder")]
[cfset outStr= encoder.encode(bos.toByteArray())]
using Rob's CFWindow example i got the request down to 116K with CF debugging turned on.